Friday, April 1, 2016


Your face looks like a toad's backside.
Your toes are as bumpy as a terrible Jeep ride.
I can smell you from a mile away.
I can't believe you are someone's bae.

The way you look makes me cringe.
Your voice sounds like a broken door hinge.
I live next to a farm and all I can say. 
You look like the cow I see everyday. 

Bigfoots legs don't compare to yours.
Your hair is as greasy as K's many floors.
Even a dog could outsmart you. 
Your brain's just a collection of poo. 

Even though I am your schoolmate. 
I wish I could put your face on a hot plate.
In the end all I can say 
You should cut down on the buffet

1 comment:

  1. Cody Garrett, your buffet insult was fire.
    Your rhymes were great.
    It would be something to aspire,
    If you'd say more about their weight.
